How to Pin a Video on TikTok

How to Pin a Video on TikTok

With millions of daily users, TikTok has quickly risen to the top of the social media rankings. Users can upload and share short videos depicting their daily activities, showcasing their talents, or advertising their products.

 TikTok may be a powerful marketing tool only if you maximize its potential. Putting a video on TikTok’s “Pin it” feature is one option.

 Investigate how to pin a video on TikTok, go through the advantages of doing so, and take some advice for making the most of the function. The time has come to initiate action.

Steps to Pin a Video on TikTok

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to pin a video on TikTok:

  1. Open the TikTok app and log in to your account.
  2. Choose the video you want to pin from your profile page or the “For You” page.
  3. Tap on the “Share” icon on the screen’s right side.
  4. From the list оf options that appear, select “Pin,” located in the second row of options.
  5. Choose the position where you want to pin the video. You can select “Top,” “Middle,” or “Bottom.”
  6. After selecting the position, tap “Pin it” to confirm your selection.
  7. A pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to pin the video. Tap on “Confirm” to proceed.
  8. Once you have confirmed, the video will be pinned to your profile page in the position you chose.

Tips for Pinning a Video on TikTok

Here are some tips to know when pinning a video on TikTok:

  1. Choose a high-quality video with good content that aligns with your brand оr personal message.
  2. Select a position that is relevant to the video’s content. For example, if you promote a new product, you may want to pin the video to the top of your profile page tо ensure maximum visibility.
  3. Avoid pinning too many videos. While pinning videos can effectively promote your content, pinning too many can make your profile page look cluttered and unorganized. Consider pinning only your best-performing videos.

Benefits of Pinning a Video on TikTok

Here are some benefits of pinning a video on TikTok:

  1. Increases visibility and engagement: When you pin a video tо your profile page, it is one of the first things users see when they visit your profile. This can increase the visibility of your video and encourage users to engage with it.
  2. Helps in promoting a brand or product: If you are using TikTok to promote your brand or product, pinning a video can be an effective way to ensure that it receives maximum visibility. By pinning a video to the top оf your profile page, you can ensure that users see it immediately.
  3. Builds a better TikTok profile: Pinning a video can make your profile page look more organized and professional. This can help you build a better brand image and increase your chances of gaining new followers.


Promoting your content and brand on TikTok is easy when you pin a video. Easily improve your TikTok profile by pinning your most popular videos. 

To get the greatest results, pick high-quality videos, place them strategically, and do not pin too many at once. Increase your TikTok popularity and make the most of this tool.

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